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The Reset API for the app is a tool that follows a specific way of organizing software, called Representational State Transfer (REST). This method outlines how web architectures should be structured.

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is like a rulebook for building and connecting different software applications. Think of it as a contract between the one providing information (like a server) and the one using that information (like a mobile app). For instance, let's take a weather app. The API design for this app might say, "Hey, app, when you want weather info, give me a zip code, and I'll tell you two things: the highest temperature and the lowest temperature." So, the app knows what to ask for, and the server knows exactly what to provide in response. It's like a well-organized conversation between two pieces of software.

Pricing to suite all size of business

*We help companies of all sizes
250 PKR Basic

$2.50 /month

  • Messages limit (5000)
  • Contact limit (50)
  • Device limit (1)
  • Template limit (5)
  • Apps limit (1)
  • Chatbot
  • Bulk message
  • Schedule message
  • Access chat list
  • Access group list
5000 PKR Enterprise

$30.00 /year

  • Messages limit (unlimited)
  • Contact limit (unlimited)
  • Device limit (unlimited)
  • Template limit (unlimited)
  • Apps limit (unlimited)
  • Chatbot
  • Bulk message
  • Schedule message
  • Access chat list
  • Access group list
100 PKR Starter

$1.00 /month

  • Messages limit (1000)
  • Contact limit (30)
  • Device limit (1)
  • Template limit (1)
  • Apps limit (1)
  • Chatbot
  • Bulk message
  • Schedule message
  • Access chat list
  • Access group list